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Why was my purchase canceled or my payment was not recognized?

Buying on Hotmart is fast and easy. These are the steps in the purchasing process:

  1. Order placed by customer
  2. Order approved and released by bank or card operator
  3. Payment approved and released by payment platform
  4. Payment confirmation from Hotmart
  5. Product access details sent to the customer

All orders must go through these steps to be approved by Hotmart. A few factors may stop your order from being approved. These are some of the issues that may come up:

Order placed by customer

1. The payment could not be made with this card. Please check card details or use another payment method. Card details are incorrect. Please check card details. Further details have been emailed. If the problem persists, you can complete the order using another payment method.

2. Invalid credit card or unsupported operator. Check card details and accepted operators on the order page.

3. Incorrect taxpayer no. Please check the details in the field.

4. Card expiry date is mandatory. Please fill in the Month and Year of the card’s expiration.

5. Unfortunately, this product is no longer available for sale. 

6. Not a valid e-mail. Please check your email and try again. Check that the first letter in the email is not capitalized.

7. There was a problem communicating with the credit card operator. Speak to our Customer Support and to the operator to solve the issue.

8. Order could not be completed. Terms of Purchase have been violated.

9. Invalid card number. There are the numbers or spaces in the Card Number field. There might be a wrong number in the field. Please check.

10. Transaction denied by credit card operator. Please check the card details or use another payment method. Contact the card operator to find out more about the issue or try another using another payment method.

11. You have already placed an order for this product. Check your email for order confirmation, to avoid double orders.

12. Invalid VAT. 

13.  Unfortunately we could not process the currency exchange transaction for this product. For more information, please contact our Support Team

Order approved and released by bank or card operator

1. Incorrect card details. Check if you have entered the correct name, number, expiry date, and CVV in the order form.

2. The card entered is not a credit card. Check if the card really is a credit card and whether it has been enabled for online purchases.

3. Payment denied by issuing entity (the bank or institution that issued the card). The issuer may deny payment if the purchase seems unusual for the consumer's habits.

4. Not enough balance.

5. The card was not enabled for online purchases. It is very common to have cards issued without permission for online shopping, especially if this is the holder's first card. In these cases, the buyer must call the card operator and ask to have the card enabled for online use.

6. The order was cancelled, but the operator says it has been charged. This is very common: if the cancellation happens due to a decision from the issuing bank (see item #3), the card balance will be charged and later refunded automatically.

If you have any of these issues, you must speak directly to your credit card operator to find out what is happening and to authorize the charge.

If you need more information, please contact  Support Team.


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